Fire Engineering
Contact us and one of our trained experts will be in touch
Independent Fire Engineering Ltd operate across a broad range of sectors, covering all areas of the UK and Northern Ireland.
We work with flexibility and clients requirements at the forefront of all projects, of which we employ Chartered Fire Engineers to oversee.
Fire engineering offers an alternative approach to satisfying statutory, insurance and operational safety requirements based on reason and risk rather than prescription. Modern building is driving design to more flexible bespoke approaches that are not possible within prescriptive codes. Fire engineering offers the benefits of assessing the design from first principles assess the building performance under fire and quantify the risks, leading to project specific solutions that achieve high standards of safety whilst also achieving client aspirations and reducing cost.
The application of fire engineering is not limited to complex buildings; it can be applied to all building types. Examples of the potential benefits are:

Increase lettable floor space by reducing exit widths or removing staircases

Increasing flexibility by extending travel distances within buildings

Improving construction programme by optimising structural fire protection requirements

Increasing glazing within building facades or reducing fire performance for glazed elements

Increasing compartment sizes and providing alternative methods of providing compartmentation

Optimising fire safety system designs to reduce onus on building design
As fire engineering designs are building specific Independent Fire Engineering Ltd. work closely with design teams and clients to ensure the highest standards of service are provided with best value solutions and performance the result.
Technical excellence is at the core of our approach and our consultants have worked on a variety of high-profile developments across a broad range of sectors.